Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Healthy Eating for Moms to be and Your Baby

A well-balanced and healthy diet is important for anyone but if you are pregnant is even more vital to be sure that you are receiving all of the proper nutrients. Your daily caloric intake should be increased by  300-500 calories a day in order to be sure your baby is getting enough nutrition, depending on your level of metabolism and amount of exercise mom decides to adventure. You diet should consist of a variety of nutritious foods in order to meet the demand of vitamins and minerals which are critical for the proper growth and development of your baby. The key thing to keep in mind that everything you eat during pregnancy is being shared by your baby, it is paramount that you are conscientious in your food choices. Herbalife has a variety of meal replacement choices for the active Moms.

Start off at Day 1
Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet should be an everyday occurrence, but life's demands sometimes alters the best plans. From the moment that you find out that you are pregnant you should modify your eating habits to be sure that your baby will get everything that he/she needs to flourish. In today's society and the financial demands of life, eating properly is not an easy task to endeavor. Fortunatly, there are many healthy a options prepare and take with you if you lead a busy lifestyle. Instead of  going to a drive-thru and grabbing an order of a burger & fries, you may choose to eat a chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat bread that you have prepared yourself, along with a fruit or vegabable snack. The first trimester is one of the most important stage of pregnancy as most birth defects occur during this period.

Foods and Beverages to Refrain from during Pregnancy
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is harmful and can cause a number of birth defect. It is important to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages at any time during your pregnancy.  There are also many food additives and preservatives which should be avoided at all costs. MSG is among one of them as it has been linked to many issues and complications in pregnancy. Some forms of shell fish are know to have toxins that are harmful to the baby's development. Consult your OB/GYN or Wellness Coach to get a list of foods to avoid.

Prenatal & Multi-Vitamin Supplements
The best way to get vitamins and minerals is through eating fresh foods that contain them, but it is still recommended that pregnant women take some sort of prenatal vitamin supplements. Your OB/GYN will prescribe prenatal vitamins during your first prenatal visit. Some benefits have been that pregnant women have found that their hair and fingernails grow out much healthier while they are taking the prenatal vitamins.  This is important for women who plan on breast-feeding their babies.

Caveman Eating: Protein, Protein and Protein
You want to make sure that you get a diet that is rich in protein. You should eat lean cuts of meat, poultry, pork and fresh fish at least twice per day. In addition, you will want to be sure that you consume plenty of dairy products, such as cheese, milk and yogurt. Protein can also be found in other foods such as beans and nuts. For vegetarians, it is important to consult a Nutritionist or Wellness Coach to make sure that they are getting enough protein in their diet.

Fruits and Vegetables
Not only do fruits contain many different vitamins and minerals, but they are also very high in antioxidants as well as fiber. Expecting Moms must get enough iron in their diet. Vitamin C, which is found in many fruits; will aid in the iron absorption process. A minimum of five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day should be eaten. A wide variety of vegetables should be eaten,  raw when possible. Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix is a valuable alternative to the busy Expecting Mom.

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